When Is It Time to See a Podiatrist?

Having foot pain at the end of the day is not uncommon for most people, especially if they wear stiff shoes or are on their feet all day. However, it's never good to ignore foot pain when it's chronic and is caused by more than just a pair of ill-fitting shoes. Unfortunately many people put off seeing a podiatrist as long as possible, often overlooking signs that their feet need actual medical attention.

Note a few reasons why you might want to make an appointment with podiatrists when it comes to taking care of your feet:

1. When you have open wounds or sores on the feet

Never ignore an open wound or sore on the foot, as it's easy for them to become infected. This is especially true for diabetics and those who have poor circulation, or other conditions that may compromise the immune system. In extreme cases, open wounds and sores that are left untreated can actually lead to amputation of the foot.

2. When you have a tingling or burning sensation around the feet

A growth or tumor around the nerves of the feet can cause this sensation. In many cases the tumor is benign, meaning not cancerous, but it should still be checked by a doctor and removed if necessary. If the sensation is caused by such a tumor, it's not likely to go away on its own and the pain can simply become worse over time.

3. If you have severe heel pain

If you notice that your heels hurt at the end of the day, your shoes may be the culprit. Note if they need to be wider or if you need some type of foam insert to keep your heels from rubbing against your shoes. However, for severe heel pain that seems to start inside the feet and isn't the result of friction from your shoes, see a podiatrist.

You may have spurs, which are protrusions of bone from the bottom of the heel, or may have damage to the tendons around the feet and heels. These conditions also do not typically just go away, and the pain may get worse over time if ignored.

4. When there is fungus on the feet or nails

Fungus between the toes or under the nails is often the cause of moisture buildup and improper hygiene. If left untreated, the fungus can spread and cause infection and severe foot pain that may interfere with walking and standing. A podiatrist can treat the fungus with topical medication or prescribe a medication you can use at home.
