Symptoms of Foot Ailments You Should Not Ignore

A podiatrist is a medical professional that specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of ailments relating to the foot. Some of these ailments may be minor whereas others may require surgical treatment to remedy them. Your feet are one of the most overworked parts of your body as they bear the brunt of your weight every single day. However, people tend to ignore foot problems if they are not suffering from excruciating pain due to them. This is not advisable though as some ailments may seem minor only to become exacerbated over time because of lack of medical attention. Here are some symptoms of foot ailments that you should never ignore.

One of your arches is disappearing

If you do not have flat feet and begin to notice over time that one of your foot arches is becoming less pronounced, it would be best to set an appointment with your podiatrist. Arches that are disappearing are typically caused when you have ruptured a tendon in your foot. Ignoring this problem will inevitably lead to further complications, which may need more complex and intrusive podiatric treatments.

Pain when you apply weight on your foot

If you ever find that you have no problems with your feet when seated but suddenly feel pain and discomfort whenever you get up to walk, it is best to seek medical advice from a podiatrist. One of the most common causes for this foot pain is Achilles tendonitis. This is when your Achilles tendon has become inflamed, typically due to over exertion.  When your foot is at rest, you are likely not to experience any discomfort since the tendon is not supporting any weight. A mistake people make is assuming that since they feel no pain when resting that it means the tendonitis is going away on its own. However, once you get up, the pain may start of at your heel and spread to the ball of your foot and even its arch. Tendonitis should be attended to as soon as possible to avoid further problems with your feet.

Your feet have changed colour

If you notice that one or both of your feet has changed colour from the norm, then you need to see a podiatrist post haste. The most common cause for this is bad circulation in your foot. If your blood is not flowing properly, then your feet will become a few shades darker than normal. This is a serious concern as it could mean there is an undetected clot in your vascular system. You should have the problem diagnosed as soon as possible to prevent the clot from making its way into the rest of your circulatory system. 

For more information, see a podiatrist in your area.
