All About Podiatrists and Foot Infections

From Athlete's foot through to bromodosis, podiatrists can help you fight your war against foot infections. While it's possible to treat some infections by yourself, others require professional attention. Such cases become particularly important when you have an underlying health condition. For example, diabetes. Knowing when a podiatrist can help you and whether to approach one will optimise your foot health.

Smelly feet, aka bromodosis

Bromodosis is the medical term for smelly feet, which can arise for a number of reasons. While some people have a genetic predisposition, others can treat the condition by altering their lifestyle factors.

Some of the ways you can help yourself include:

  • Drying your feet thoroughly after each shower, especially between your toes
  • Alternating between pairs of shoes each day
  • Avoiding the use of tights and other nylon garments
  • Using solutions containing antimicrobial agents when washing your feet

If you find that the above measures don't work, you may want to consult a podiatrist. Sometimes ongoing odours indicate that a foot infection is present, especially if you don't usually suffer from smelly feet.

Athlete's foot

As a form of ringworm, athlete's foot doesn't just arise in those who engage in sports. Symptoms can include white patchy areas between your toes, sore and flaky patches between your toes, and cracks in your skin. Should the cracks in the skin remain, you'll increase the risk of introducing a foot infection. If you suffer from a condition such as diabetes, you may also increase the risk of developing diabetic foot.

Although it's possible to buy over-the-counter treatments from your local pharmacist, you should approach a podiatrist if such products don't resolve the problem. Doing so is particularly important if your foot becomes hot and swollen, which indicates a more troubling infection. 

In addition to recommending the right treatments, your podiatrist can discuss ways to prevent the problem happening again.

Fungal nail infections

If you start to notice white and yellow streaks on your nails, you may have a fungal nail infection. Podiatrists refer to this condition as Onychomycosis, which can arise from other fungal infections, including athlete's foot. 

You're more likely to develop such infections when using public swimming pools, having pedicures from those with poor hygiene standards, or if your immune system is low. Without treatment, you could lose your nail, which is painful and can affect your gait. With the use of a podiatrist, you can receive treatments and introduce protective measures that stop the issue arising again.

Whether you're yet to try using a podiatrist or you are familiar with their services, always consider using one if you have a foot infection you cannot treat yourself.
